Source code for ibcao.ibcao

#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Author: Gaute Hope <> / 2014-02-19
# IBCAO interface

import  os
from    pyproj import Proj, Geod
import  scipy as sc,
import  numpy as np
import as cm
import as ccrs

[docs]class IBCAO: """ A class for setting up a matplotlib / cartopy instance of the IBCAO. The IBCAO grd file can be retrieved from: Download file: Specification can be found in file: IBCAO_V3_README.txt from: The specifications are hardcoded into this class, that means that the class has to be updated for new versions of the IBCAO. The plot is set up to use the same projection as the map, Polar Stereographic, as defined in the IBCAO readme with the WGS84 datum. While working in this projection it is not necessary to transform the IBCAO image (which for the full version of the IBCAO is significant). """ # look in current path for grid file, I usually symlink it in here # from somewhere. _ibcao_grid_name = 'IBCAO_V3_500m_RR.grd' _ibcao_grid = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), _ibcao_grid_name) VERSION = '3.0' REFERENCE = 'Jakobsson, M., L. A. Mayer, B. Coakley, J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Forbes, B. Fridman, H. Hodnesdal, R. Noormets, R. Pedersen, M. Rebesco, H.-W. Schenke, Y. Zarayskaya A, D. Accettella, A. Armstrong, R. M. Anderson, P. Bienhoff, A. Camerlenghi, I. Church, M. Edwards, J. V. Gardner, J. K. Hall, B. Hell, O. B. Hestvik, Y. Kristoffersen, C. Marcussen, R. Mohammad, D. Mosher, S. V. Nghiem, M. T. Pedrosa, P. G. Travaglini, and P. Weatherall, The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Version 3.0, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2012GL052219.' # previously kept in ibcao.cpt _COLORMAP = """\ # downloaded from IBCAO homepage #Discrete color table for Ocean and continous for land in RGB for the Arctic bathymetry and topography -6000 18 10 59 -5000 18 10 59 -5000 22 44 103 -4000 22 44 103 -4000 22 88 135 -3000 22 88 135 -3000 22 138 170 -2000 22 138 170 -2000 22 154 184 -1500 22 154 184 -1500 23 170 198 -1000 23 170 198 -1000 23 186 212 -500 23 186 212 -500 24 196 223 -250 24 196 223 -250 25 206 234 -100 25 206 234 -100 27 216 245 -75 27 216 245 -75 38 223 241 -50 38 223 241 -50 49 230 236 -25 49 230 236 -25 105 242 233 -10 105 242 233 -10 161 255 230 0 161 255 230 0 40 158 38 25 44 176 42 25 44 176 42 50 49 195 46 50 49 195 46 75 145 208 80 75 145 208 80 100 242 202 90 100 242 202 90 200 227 170 48 200 227 170 48 300 190 140 40 300 190 140 40 400 151 109 31 400 151 109 31 500 114 80 23 500 114 80 23 600 95 63 12 600 95 63 12 700 81 57 16 700 81 57 16 800 114 97 71 800 114 97 71 1000 105 105 105 1000 105 105 105 1500 170 170 170 1500 170 170 170 5000 200 200 200 """ def __init__ (self, ibcao_grd_file = _ibcao_grid): self.ibcao_grid = ibcao_grd_file if not os.path.exists (self.ibcao_grid): print ('IBCAO grid could not be found in:' + self.ibcao_grid + ' , download from:') raise RuntimeError ('IBCAO grid not found') ibcao_nc = (self.ibcao_grid) self.ibcao_nc = ibcao_nc ## test for version 3 if not 'ver3.0' in str(ibcao_nc.title): raise ValueError ("The IBCAO file specified does not seem to be IBCAO version 3.0") # load ibcao projection details self._z = ibcao_nc.variables['z'] self.ups_x = ibcao_nc.variables['x'] self.ups_y = ibcao_nc.variables['y'] self.dim = (self.ups_x.shape[0], self.ups_y.shape[0]) print ("ibcao read, shape:", self.dim) # source: IBCAO_V3_README.txt self.extent = 2904000 # from README, northing and easting self.resolution = 500 # meters self.projection_s = 'stere' self.datum = 'WGS84' self.ellps = 'WGS84' self.vertical_datum = 'mean sea level' self.true_scale = 75.0 # deg N self.scale_factor = 0.982966757777337 self.origin_lat = 90 # deg N self.origin_lon = 0 # deg self.projection = self.get_cartopy () # store for short-cut self.g = ccrs.Geodetic () self._ups = self.get_cartopy () # don't close when mmapped: scipy#3630 #self.ibcao_nc.close ()
[docs] def close (self): """ Closes the map file. The map is memorymapped, so this will cause a warning unless all references to the map have been removed. """ # make sure you don't close in case mmap is used elsewhere print ("ibcao: closing map.") self.ibcao_nc.close ()
[docs] def get_cartopy (self): """ Deprecated: Use `ups`. Returns a Cartopy instance set up for the IBCAO UPS variant. A separate instance is used internally. """ m = ccrs.Stereographic (central_latitude = self.origin_lat, central_longitude = self.origin_lon, false_easting = 0, false_northing = 0, true_scale_latitude = self.true_scale) return m
@property def ups (self): """ Returns a Cartopy Stereographic instance set up for the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) projection used in the IBCAO. """ return self._ups @property def proj_str (self): """ Returns a Proj.4 string for the IBCAO UPS variant. """ return """ +proj=%(proj)s +ellps=%(ellps)s +datum=%(datum)s +lat_ts=%(lat_ts)f +lat_0=%(origin_lat)f +lon_0=%(origin_lon)f +k_0=%(scale_factor)f +x_0=%(x0)f +y_0=%(y0)f """ % { 'proj' : self.projection_s, 'ellps' : self.ellps, 'datum' : self.datum, 'lat_ts' : self.true_scale, 'origin_lat' : self.origin_lat, 'origin_lon' : self.origin_lon, 'scale_factor' : self.scale_factor, 'x0' : 0, 'y0' : 0 } @property def proj (self): """ Returns a Proj.4 instance set up for the IBCAO UPS variant """ return Proj (self.proj_str) @property def geod (self): """ Return a `pyproj.Geoid` set up with the WGS84 ellipsoid. """ return Geod (ellps = self.ellps) ## depth retrieval functions # # map_depth is less memory intensive, while interp_depth # relies on building an interpolation function. if possible, # use map_depth. _depth_f = None
[docs] def interp_depth (self, x, y): """ Interpolate depth at `x` and `y` using `scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline`. This method is more accurate but slower than `map_depth`. The interpolation function is cached, so later interpolations should be faster. Args: x: (1D array) coordinates (longitude) in meters on UPS y: (1D array) coordinates (latitude) in meters on UPS points outside the map are set to `np.nan`. Returns: z: depths along x and y. """ from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline if self._depth_f is None: print ("setting up interpolation function..") self._depth_f = RectBivariateSpline (self.x, self.y, self.z) d = self._depth_f.ev(y, x) # catch outliers and set to nan d[x<self.xlim[0]] = np.nan d[x>self.xlim[1]] = np.nan d[y<self.ylim[0]] = np.nan d[y>self.ylim[1]] = np.nan return d
[docs] def map_depth (self, x, y, order = 3): """ Map coordinates `x` and `y` onto `z` in order to retrieve depth using `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates`. Args: x: (1D array) coordinates (longitude) in meters on UPS y: (1D array) coordinates (latitude) in meters on UPS points outside the map are set to `np.nan`. Returns: z: depths along x and y. Example: Get points along great circle: >>> start = [10, 78] # positions in degrees >>> end = [-18, 76] >>> >>> ## Sample a great circle between the two points using the pyproj.Geod set up by the IBCAO class >>> i = IBCAO () >>> gc = np.array(i.get_geod ().npts (start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1], 100)) >>> >>> ## Interpolate the depth along the great circle >>> gc_xy = (i.g, gc[:,0], gc[:,1]) # convert to UPS coordinates >>> depth = i.map_depth (gc_xy[:,0], gc_xy[:,1]) """ # this is faster, use if possible from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates x = (x + self.extent) / self.resolution y = (y + self.extent) / self.resolution return map_coordinates (self.z, [y, x], cval = np.nan, order = order)
@property def xlim (self): """ Extent in longitude coordinates (meters) on UPS projection. """ return (-self.extent, self.extent) @property def ylim (self): """ Extent in latitude coordinates (meters) on UPS projection. """ return (-self.extent, self.extent) @property def x (self): """ `x` (longitude) arguments for depth data (`z`) in meters (UPS). """ return @property def y (self): """ `y` (latitude) arguments for depth data (`z`) in meters (UPS). """ return @property def z (self): """ Depth data on `grid`. """ return
[docs] def grid (self, div = 1): """ Create position grid for IBCAO Args: div: Skip every div point (1 include all, default) corresponds to `div` in `template()`. Returns: (x, y): A tuple with `x` and `y` grid for `z`. """ y, x = np.mgrid[self.ylim[0]:self.ylim[1]:(self.resolution*div), self.xlim[0]:self.xlim[1]:(self.resolution*div)] return (x, y)
[docs] def Colormap (self): """ Returns a discrete colormap and norm based on the official IBCAO colormap. Returns: (cmap, norm): A tuple with the colormap and the norm Example: >>> (cmap, norm) = self.Colormap () >>> cm = ax.pcolormesh (x, y, z, cmap = cmap, norm = norm) >>> plt.colorbar (cm) """ # loader based on: and # cmap = np.empty ((0,4)) c = 0 for l in self._COLORMAP.split("\n"): l = l.strip() if len(l) == 0 or l[0] == '#': continue ls = np.array([float (v) for v in l.split ()]) if ls.shape[0] < 8: continue c += 1 cmap.resize (c, 4) cmap[c-1,:] = ls[:4] # add end spec c += 1 cmap.resize (c, 4) cmap[c-1,:] = ls[4:] # normalize colors cmap[:,[1, 2, 3]] = cmap[:,[1, 2, 3]] / 255. cmap_out = cm.colors.ListedColormap (cmap[:,1:4], 'ibcao', c) norm = cm.colors.BoundaryNorm (cmap[:,0], c) return (cmap_out, norm)
[docs] def template (self, div = 1): """ Sets up and returns a figure with the IBCAO map loaded, ready for additional plotting: Args: div: use every div point in map (1 is default, use all points) Returns: matplotlib Figure >>> i = IBCAO () >>> f = i.template () >>> () """ # set up a template plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f = plt.figure () ax = plt.axes (projection = self.projection) ax.set_xlim (*self.xlim) ax.set_ylim (*self.ylim) ax.coastlines ('10m') ax.gridlines (crs = self.g, ylocs = np.arange (60, 90, 5)) # plot every 'div' data point (cmap, norm) = self.Colormap () cm = ax.pcolorfast (self.x[::div], self.y[::div], self.z[::div, ::div], cmap = cmap, norm = norm) cb = plt.colorbar (cm) cb.set_label ('Depth [m]') plt.title ('The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean') return f
if __name__ == '__main__': print ("testing ibcao class") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import as ccrs from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER i = IBCAO () f = i.template () # lets put some text along the parallels lat = np.arange (65, 90, 5) lon = np.repeat (0, len(lat)) # regular lat, lon projection g = ccrs.Geodetic () for lon, lat in zip (lon, lat): plt.text (lon, lat, LATITUDE_FORMATTER.format_data(lat), transform = g) # and some text along the meridians lon = [-45, 45, 135, -135] lat = np.repeat (70, len(lon)) for lon, lat in zip (lon, lat): plt.text (lon, lat, LONGITUDE_FORMATTER.format_data(lon), transform = g) # also; the north pole plt.text (0, 90, "NP", transform = g) ()